the next Generation in blockchain
Market: BTC: 0.00000001 | USD: 0.00129548 | EUR: 0.00123167
swap_horiz Transaction #12554697543929436227
Recipient S-79PK-DGC2-M4XP-HUAVB
Amount 296.27238010 Burst
BTC: 0.00000296
USD: 0.38381494
EUR: 0.36490980
Fee 1.00000000 Burst
BTC: 0.00000001
USD: 0.00129548
EUR: 0.00123167
Block 7522346151187831263 / 64832
Type Ordinary payment
Message Reward for your help with block 64828: 5.373613 Reward for your help with recent historic blocks: 290.898768
MessageIsText 1
Version.Message 1
Confirmations 1285639
Timestamp 2015-02-08 21:56:48
Signature b8b5f3041d8f13b817b0df46b39f429ab6ebd1c2f617b725117f783a06e63a037a9807378a883b6752cc913f51ba64a0bc6ba7bfe256a454e89fa57476190f2e
Signature Hash ac1d19c5eb27540c12d8f5673676e4d50f4021df632fafc65805bef751c2eac4
Full Hash 43186208e63e3bae72ee92f3415b3647844211d9b6b4c595c9806bf2ce3ffdb5