swap_horiz Transaction #13618042201238956295
Sender | S-7CPJ-BW8N-U4XF-CWW3U |
Recipient | S-GYAW-9X9U-8BQ9-7EFN3 |
Amount |
20.62150437 Burst
BTC: 0.00000021
USD: 0.01619634 EUR: 0.00000000 |
Fee |
1.00000000 Burst
BTC: 0.00000001
USD: 0.00078541 EUR: 0.00000000 |
Block | 6761605647254519134 / 67093 |
Type | Ordinary payment |
Message | Reward for your help with block 67088: 6.052152 Reward for your help with recent historic blocks: 14.569352 |
MessageIsText | 1 |
Version.Message | 1 |
Confirmations | 1289338 |
Timestamp | 2015-02-15 06:04:58 |
Signature | 6030fcbb52f893362c0f9f5a2af019f78aa2dc685908ecb4be2e019cff6d350c27a121d5280ee76f9387e70c167ba7324a2ea5fb07a1f89957314384d6ae8b70 |
Signature Hash | d69ac05cb27fdeeea9be699d93db74fb06bfcf5abad7090bd6f26d94d155242e |
Full Hash | 076920053b01fdbc006da0f73bb70d0f6a6bef176b666586cb27c72d12ad51ef |