swap_horiz Transaction #13973040556611255044
Sender | S-H22M-GQCY-MM5D-G3W8X |
Recipient | S-HHLZ-8V6J-CWJL-3PW2B |
Amount |
20.00000000 Burst
BTC: 0.00000020
USD: 0.01713140 EUR: 0.01584020 |
Fee |
1.00000000 Burst
BTC: 0.00000001
USD: 0.00085657 EUR: 0.00079201 |
Block | 16981999258205073589 / 334282 |
Type | Ordinary payment |
Message | In memory of William Sedlak once being employed and a semi productive member of society. |
MessageIsText | 1 |
Version.Message | 1 |
Confirmations | 1056069 |
Timestamp | 2017-03-03 22:52:23 |
Signature | d7e09a63c53e9e4b1fc060f367b530b626ea0bf82cdbfcc10350b4323eda540220e2de237ca467f7d4d25ceb4e54984ff1ad6d132e56eecf2af64a66ede39eb1 |
Signature Hash | b2c9aab0df369c4321def7cfb8eadffa721bad0be075190fd4de7574373b501b |
Full Hash | 04bbf0985a36eac1abb5560531edb35db5f15618a6e2ebb8dc05f54b78550b57 |