swap_horiz Transaction #15035899337797272760
Sender | S-55XZ-S96V-F59N-DAHZ3 |
Recipient | S-YKLM-SLWE-USR5-42HLM
( BURST and BHD are still good friends and will build POC ecology together. )
434.42445000 Burst
BTC: 0.00000434
USD: 0.37487789 EUR: 0.00000000 |
Recipient | S-MZHS-UF7A-FPFW-D8A64
( )
434.52395000 Burst
BTC: 0.00000435
USD: 0.37496375 EUR: 0.00000000 |
Fee |
0.10000000 Burst
BTC: 0.00000000
USD: 0.00008629 EUR: 0.00000000 |
Block | 11972831672064452715 / 664649 |
Type | Multi-Out payment |
Message | - |
MessageIsText | - |
Version.Message | - |
Confirmations | 722000 |
Timestamp | 2019-09-14 17:41:29 |
Signature | 981c05134d1f3cd3544b20b8bc4ef194897e925506d54ad00e241b3fc0dbd0052e3581133d604576d9bff74311fb3561bf7c5d78cc46cd07dc039a57788e7fcc |
Signature Hash | 9ba8501c2a5a357bfeecaf2d161732caafd063752b1a2515e7fe1b6e142fbadc |
Full Hash | b804f0bbc83eaad0f77676657eea2d621f0a470877d59ef4755ee1e394222820 |