swap_horiz Transaction #15086540042272728347
Sender | S-H22M-GQCY-MM5D-G3W8X |
Recipient | S-HQZU-F5AN-DMUA-FT8VP |
Amount |
2.00000000 Burst
BTC: 0.00000000
USD: 0.00000000 EUR: 0.00000000 |
Fee |
2.00000000 Burst
BTC: 0.00000000
USD: 0.00000000 EUR: 0.00000000 |
Block | 3613908569283137948 / 334853 |
Type | Ordinary payment |
Message | In memory of William Sedlak once being employed and a semi productive member of society |
MessageIsText | 1 |
Version.Message | 1 |
Confirmations | 1052762 |
Timestamp | 2017-03-05 14:06:41 |
Signature | 69848a04f7571ae778bf51cee62a2d99d3d3d2438a9e2fcebfd0dc269a81a8005582192b86c145b72a7d5d85e17e74d90d648bc079dd0794c604a8598f073698 |
Signature Hash | 4790c73e428a5940ec2d4553a9b8b39a8e21737d5d451c9ea36605ad026f8e8f |
Full Hash | 1b655f8d3c285ed160fde470f914e3ebe6854a6b3e71d1073257780fa0de2be8 |