swap_horiz Transaction #15345089470569908623
Sender | S-HHT9-9FQ6-XT6E-GCDYN |
Recipient | S-E6X5-GCUC-89K5-E4GQJ |
Amount |
4.00000000 Burst
BTC: 0.00000004
USD: 0.00299936 EUR: 0.00285924 |
Fee |
1.00000000 Burst
BTC: 0.00000001
USD: 0.00074984 EUR: 0.00071481 |
Block | 17892060904223130336 / 245915 |
Type | Ordinary payment |
Message | 'MininHere.Com has sent you 4 BURSTs to be able to mine. Please see details at: http://burst.mininghere.com/How2mine.php' |
MessageIsText | 1 |
Version.Message | 1 |
Confirmations | 1109588 |
Timestamp | 2016-06-29 11:33:02 |
Signature | 584854d1a9dd79836ce838564178e44d322e98351a30f4c8139dde68f43cad0ca432c709522a1b663b02d61a73e59d878b295226bfb8f1349eaf5d3771130281 |
Signature Hash | 6026143056f7f9712c2b89da18bd3e608bc67d4e0dbe6b9099d4ce70edcc19d0 |
Full Hash | 8f09e85b92b5f4d4b8b56404596d0d1db3381819526b35295c3d445f6ededa89 |