the next Generation in blockchain
Market: BTC: 0.00000001 | USD: 0.00107234 | EUR: 0.00103888
swap_horiz Transaction #9209635258274631180
Recipient S-P45K-TV5H-3EER-EZFBP
Amount 0 Burst
BTC: 0.00000000
USD: 0.00000000
EUR: 0.00000000
Fee 1.00000000 Burst
BTC: 0.00000001
USD: 0.00107234
EUR: 0.00103888
Block 16171468286562426316 / 62059
Type Arbitrary message
Message Hi, there are many pools available. Our pool is up since September. We tested for a long time with our partners. We are ready now ... Please give our pool a try:
MessageIsText 1
Version.Message 1
Confirmations 1296733
Timestamp 2015-02-01 04:08:06
Signature a0ac811ceb97881d9bc0e2b4450dc8874086f9b8b4c9fe1ac3792e603fa2080a14be69eb653ac8284c57dd4c856dbc39568ca0dc5c88122fa85683f92b8e52f6
Signature Hash 2369e68d723de512e83bd1a71cd13591eb30ce0694f50562324b90fade5aa471
Full Hash 0c4e5f007932cf7f23df20ef24b5e432a2802a1c001710a34937a982b48e3ab5